Manufacturing ERP System Implementation Strategies

When it comes to implementing a manufacturing ERP system, there are three popular strategies that are used. There are the “Big Bang”, the phased rollout, and the parallel adoption. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a manufacturing ERP system through the three different approaches.

“Big Bang”

Implementing the manufacturing ERP system through the “Big Bang” approach involves installing the entire system including all the modules in a single, one-time event. This type of implementation requires heavy pre-implementation planning because once the legacy system is turned off and the new manufacturing ERP system is up-and-running, there is no going back.

This form of implementation is the most cost-effective and allows an organization to have the manufacturing ERP system running in a shorter time frame. However, there is a high level of risk associated with deploying a manufacturing ERP system in a one time event, and overlooked details can result in a domino effect that can impact other parts of the ERP manufacturing software.

Phased rollout

The phased rollout implementation strategy for manufacturing ERP can have three different approaches. The phasing process can occur by implementing the manufacturing ERP system individually by module, by phasing it in by business unit, or rolling out the manufacturing ERP system by geographical location.

Leveraging the phased rollout strategy can help organizations gain valuable insight and experience with the manufacturing ERP system, and enable employees to learn the system as it is being deployed. Since the phased rollout involves continuous change over an extended period of time it is more costly, and can result in missing information as each module of the manufacturing ERP system is phased in.

Parallel adoption strategy

The parallel adoption strategy is the process of implementing a manufacturing ERP system while running the legacy system simultaneously. This is considered to be the least risky implementation strategy, and it enables users to learn the new ERP manufacturing program while still performing their day-to-day tasks on the legacy system.

Even though risk is significantly lowered in this ERP manufacturing software implementation, the parallel adoption strategy is the most costly and inefficient. This strategy forces employees to enter data into both the new manufacturing ERP system and the old one.

Adopting a new manufacturing ERP system is a lengthy process, and each implementation strategy poses potential benefits and problems. While one method may work for one organization, it may not be the appropriate strategy for your company. Every organization has specific needs, and deploying, replacing, or upgrading manufacturing software requires careful planning and analysis.

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